Friday, July 11, 2014

Watchdog embarrasses city: Missoula resident serves public better than public servants who kept community in dark on contract- Missoulian editorial published in the June 27th, 2012 edition

Thanks to Ross Best for looking out for us Missoula citizens when it comes to our city government. Ross has looked out for us Missoulians in many cases and deserves our gratitude. 

Click on the link below to read the Missoulian editorial:

Watchdog embarrasses city: Missoula resident serves public better than public servants who kept community in dark on contract

missoula schools watchdog: Missoula County Public Schools Trustee Jim Sadler

missoula schools watchdog: Missoula County Public Schools Trustee Jim Sadler: During the many years of Jim Sadler's service on the MCPS Board there have been several heartbreaking and unnecessary decisions that hav...

Campaign against Missoula school trustees illegal; state may investigate

Read a Missoulian article written by the late Betsy Cohen published on March 22, 2013 reporting on an ad submitted to the Missoulian newspaper regarding the upcoming MCPS school board election.

Campaign against Missoula school trustees illegal; state may investigate